Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Woman sentiments

Maintaining a cool, calm environment is the motto of a human being. To live in a peaceful surrounding is the dream of each human being. Each and everyone want to live among people with smiling faces. One wants to spread the message of peace and harmony and shower the sprinkles of love. Everybody wants to live a life of content and maintain a compatible relationship with his or her kith and kin. The Utopia one builds around oneself is almost similar to going around with fairies…..
From a woman’s perspective it is really difficult to maintain a balance between the rosy picture of the world she is expected to build around herself. Sometimes the society expects an Indian woman to live a life fulfilling the demands and her near and dear ones. She gives away every inch of her to make her environment sweet, lovely and amicable. She is lost in this process of sharing and caring. She is swayed away by the sweet and alluring smile of her children, gets captivated by the longing arms of her hubby, and is lost amidst the swamp of expectations of the in-laws. .Her wanton and playful desire is trapped in the whirlpool of duties and responsibilities. The darkness hovers over her for quite a long span of time and one fine morning to her utter surprise she wakes up with a big burden on her head. She wakes up with an alarming note, questions her existence and long lost identity.

It’s the feeling of every woman who wants to be a very good wife, a very good daughter-in-law or a very good mother. Trying to be a goody goody individual the real human being , the basic desires and wants are suppressed and pushed into the periphery.

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